Local government

Arrowtown has two local government bodies: Queenstown Lakes District Council and Otago Regional Council.

QLDC is responsible for a wide range of local services, from rubbish collection to parks to infrastructure, and regulatory functions from building consents to alcohol licensing. The mayor is Glyn Lewers and the Arrowtown-Kawarau ward representatives on Council are Lisa Guy, Melissa White and Craig Ferguson.

Otago Regional Council is primarily concerned with environmental resource management, land and climate, air and water quality, biodiversity and pest control, natural hazards, waste and hazardous substances and public transport. The ORC chair is Gretchen Robertson and our Dunstan constituency councillors are Michael LawsAlexa Forbes and Gary Kelliher.

The two councils work together on some issues, and with civil defence and emergency services on emergency management.


Rates dates

The work of the two councils is funded by rates payable by property owners. Rates vary according to the value of the property and what it is used for.

QLDC residential property rates are payable in four instalments, in late September, late November, late February and late May. Payments not received by 5 pm on the due date incur a 10% penalty.

Otago Regional Council rates are due 31 October.

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