Formal submissions open on Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation

QLDC has given notice that formal submissions on rezoning Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile have opened. Please remember that if you decide to make a submission, your submission (including your contact info) will be made available for anyone to read.


Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) has notified a variation to rezone land located in Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Corridor to provide for future housing demand in the district.

QLDC Acting General Manager Planning & Development, David Wallace looked forward to community feedback on the proposal given Queenstown’s pressing housing needs. The Variation proposes to enable approximately 2,400 new residential units at higher densities in the district.

“We have an opportunity to rezone close to 120 hectares of existing rural, rural lifestyle, and large lot residential land located in Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile, creating a thriving, mixed community that can help the Queenstown Lakes grow in the right way,” said Mr Wallace.

“Housing types proposed include a mix of apartments and duplexes, with very little standalone housing to ensure the land is well utilised and meets the needs of those looking to call this special place home.”

The new Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Zone will provide a range of open spaces and community facilities, and support business activities through a new commercial centre. The Zone will also focus on providing active and public transport infrastructure to support a significant shift in how people get around the Whakatipu Basin.

Mr Wallace encouraged residents to read up on Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation, and to have their say on what was shaping to be a vital response to urban growth pressures being faced in the Queenstown Lakes District.

“Housing is one of the biggest challenges our community faces, and at the same time, it lies at the heart of creating secure, connected and caring communities, creating jobs and a diverse economy,” said Mr Wallace.

“Council’s proposed variation for Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile is one way in which we can help to address Queenstown’s pressing housing needs, and in a way that reflects the diversity of residents we need to support economic growth without impacting negatively on the environment.”

Detailed information, including how to make a formal submission on the Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile Variation can be found on QLDC’s District Plan website at Formal submissions close on Friday 9 June 2023.

Previously, the government approved an application by QLDC to streamline the planning process at Te Pūtahi Ladies Mile, meaning the proposed variation can be progressed as swiftly as possible whilst still providing ample opportunity for community consultation.

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