Arrowtown Community Response Group

Are you interested in helping the Arrowtown community in an emergency?

QLDC and Emergency Management Otago (what used to be Civil Defence) are setting up a new Community Response Group for Arrowtown. They're looking for volunteers who can help prepare for and respond to a crisis. This could be a flood, earthquake, landslip, wildfire, severe storm or even a global pandemic.

The Community Response Group will have a vital role in supporting the community during an emergency, especially in a big event when it may take some time for emergency responders to reach us.

Volunteers may be involved in setting up a local centre to provide welfare support and checking in on vulnerable people. You do not need to have any special qualifications or experience. Volunteers will be offered training and groups will be supported by Emergency Management Otago and Queenstown Lakes District Council.

All you need is enthusiasm and a willingness to get involved. If you don't want to get involved in the formal CRG itself, do please sign up on Otago Gets Ready anyway, where you can list any skills and equipment you have that might be useful in an emergency, and detail any needs you may have that could make you vulnerable.

Register your interest in the Community Response Group.

Sign up on Otago Gets Ready.

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