The Arrowtown Village Association has for more than 12 years advocated for the protection our current urban boundary, as a reflection of our community's desire to protect and preserve the unique heritage and character of our village. This is detailed in the original 2017 Shaping Our Future Community Visioning Report and its recent review in 2022.
In 2010, after a long campaign, QLDC's district plan was changed to establish an Urban Growth Boundary that would prevent development spreading into the rural land on the outskirts of Arrowtown. Despite this, there have been a number of attempts to develop land outside the boundary, including on the western side of McDonnell Road. The AVA has supported efforts to resist development by providing submissions and referencing relevant community documents.
Despite development applications for subdivisions being turned down by QLDC, the Environment Court and in one instance the High Court, developers have gone on to attempt to have the land rezoned via the Proposed District Plan process. If this were to be successful, it would effectively open the door to subdivisions similar to those that have already been disallowed. This could set a precedent that would allow further expansion of the current designated urban boundary, impacting the character of our village which many work hard to protect.
In late September the AVA made representations to the Environment Court at a hearing on the issue and there is a further hearing that begins on 13 December 2022. A group of residents led by the Hanan family is also opposing further development in Court.
If you wish to help or receive any further information, please contact any of the following:
Mark Hosie 027 721 1447
Dave Hanan 027 282 4401
Ken Swain 021 792 465