Join us at our AGM on Thursday

With a newly elected mayor and many new councillors (including three representing the Arrowtown-Kawarau Ward), it’s clear much change is ahead for our district. Post-Covid, new thinking and new voices need to be heard to help steer our community and our precious village into the future.

You're invited to help guide that future by joining us at our AGM at 7.30pm on Thursday 27 October 2022 at the Arrowtown Community Rooms next to the tennis courts, and perhaps joining the committee. At the AGM we'll hear a report of the AVA's activities over the past year and vote for the officers and committee. We'll also hear from new councillor Neeta Shetty, and get an update from the Arrowtown Community Response Group, a group of residents who are working with Otago Civil Defence and Emergency Management to help the community prepare for and respond to a major emergency such as an earthquake.

Always seeking new members for the AVA committee, we would love to have a broad range of voices and walks of life represented for the residents of Arrowtown. Our meetings are monthly on the fourth Thursday at 7pm. AVA have key community liaison with QLDC, ORC and APBA and give financial admin support to Arrowtown Wilding Group, Predator Free Arrowtown, Arrowtown Choppers and Arrowtown Community Response Group.

The recent review of the Shaping Our Future Arrowtown Community Visioning Report 2017 is set to adopt a new vision of Arrowtown remaining a ‘living village where people from all walks of life interact to form a community that preserves and protects the heritage, character and environment of the area’. The AVA are guardians of the report, so if you care about issues such as the village boundary, affordable housing, clean air, energy efficient homes, wilding control, revegetation and more, please put your hand up to join the committee and help us make a difference.

We express our thanks to our chairperson, Susan Rowley, who is stepping down after two years in the chair and many more as a loyal committee member. Our thanks, too, to those residents who gave their valuable time reviewing our guiding SoF report over the past few months.

If you're not already a member of the association you can join by hitting the Join Now button in the menu (it's free!).

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